In order for the Israelite to obtain the land God had promised them there were obstacles they had to overcome. Jericho was the first step in securing the future God had for them. But the city was surrounded walls and the walls needed to come down. When God came to their rescue, He spoke to
"And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king
thereof, and the mighty men of valor. (Joshua 6:2)
God plans are completed from the beginning. The ending is already done. Sin, hurt, un-forgiveness, pride, disobedience, anger or even a bad attitude can stand in the way of the plan God has for our lives.
These walls can literally block our salvation. The enemy will keep us from wealth, healthy living, spiritual maturity and everything that God has promised us. These walls must come down.
"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."; (Romans 8:37)
Joshua didn't know how to proceed in order to accomplish God's plan, but when the angel of the Lord appeared (Joshua 5:13-15). Joshua accepted and obeyed God's directions. Even though It didn't sound like the typical army battle plan, Joshua put the plan that God had constructed into action. (Joshua6:6-7).
So they quietly marched around the city once a day for six days and would then returned to the camp.
But on the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times and on that day; on the seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army,
“Shout! For the LORD has given you the city"; (Joshua 6: 12-16)
The great shout went up to the Lord because Joshua believed the Lord's plan was a plan of victory. The walls of the city fell down! If you want the walls in your life to come down you have to follow Gods plan. Even when you don't understand it.
1. Give God control. There must be complete surrender to His will and His way.
2. Stop struggling with the plan. Let God have His way. He knows exactly what to do.
3. Obey Him and Trust Him to work it out.
God will show up in our battles! But He can only fight the battle if you give Him complete control.
When the word of the Lord comes to us, we are not always eager to attack the walls that God wants to tear down. We cannot claim victory while we are still living outside of God's will. You have to surrender everything to Him.
Have you discovered the "walls", in your life? Is there anything that is stopping you from achieving the spiritual progress that you want to get to. They must come down.
Our "walls"; can burden us down and lead us to places where the enemy wants us to be. When we trust and obey God we can shout and rejoice in advance, knowing that God is working to bring down the walls that are hindering us. God's plan for us is to prosper and to have hope for the future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."; (Romans 8:28)