Date Sunday, May 10, 2020
Pastor Gamble
Lesson Scripture: Mark 5:21-43
Lesson Subject: Who Do You Believe Pre-Sermon: Lately God has been dealing with me about Faith. Why Faith? God said, “Nothing can move without Faith. It is the corner stone, you cannot be saved without it, and you cannot live without it. It is so crucial to our life. Therefore, I am going to keep on going with Faith.
Sermon: Mark 5:21-43
I want to talk to you from this thought: Who do you believe?
There is a lot of stuff out there, many religions, and many doctrines. But who do you believe?
Right now, we’re going thru trying times, worldwide. What God is trying to do, that he has shared with me, he is judging the church. The bible says that judgment must first begin at the house of the Lord. God called us as believers in Jesus to live a life of faith. If we believe Jesus, we are to live a life of faith. Trusting. That means I trust him with my life, to direct my life and to protect my life. That is what living a life of faith means and it doesn’t matter what’s going on. When I talk about Mothers today. We do not know how much mothers pray for their children. Daddy loves them but he cannot pray like momma. She knows God can go where she can’t.
We have this trial going on and God is using this trial to test and call out the church. So we can see where we really stand. Who do you believe? Do you believe Jesus or Dr. Fucci? Who do we believe?
I am not saying that they don’t know some of what they’re talking about but I know who I believe. I believe Jesus. The bible says He is the author and finisher of our faith. He’s going to finish it. If you’re saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, we will finish what He started.
When you believe Jesus, you go to Him for your needs. When I was growing up, we were poor. Momma didn’t work and so if we needed anything she started praying. However, when I became a teenager, I’d say what are you doing? Jesus can’t go to the store and get us nothing… That is what I was thinking. That is how some people are thinking today. They see this dilemma going on and they don’t know what to do so they will believe anything. Where is Jesus, word has never been refuted in all of history. Who do you believe?
What does real faith require? Well the most important thing is belief. You have to believe.
When you really trust Jesus that’s who you go to. When you need a raise, you go to Jesus, when you need a job you go to Jesus and fall at His feet. Whatever it is you need you fall at his feet! Jarius was a ruler. He had stats and position and here he is coming to Jesus. Why? Well when you are facing a tragedy and religion can’t help you. There is only one place to go, where you heard there are some results. Jarius heard it. Just like Nicodemus who came to Jesus at night… (John 3:1-21) They heard about all the miracles that were happening. Jesus was turning water into wine, etc. He heard what Jesus could do. His faith and belief took him to Jesus. What happens to our faith and belief when we run into tragedy? Do we go to Jesus or do we pick up the phone and call somebody? As soon as something happens and when there is the unknown, we turn on the news or google. When we truly have faith in God, we turn to Jesus. That’s what we have to do. Listen to this, Jarius didn’t have time for religious ceremonies, or a dignified speech, nor to orchestrate this thing to impress Jesus. As soon as he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. How many times have you walk in here and just fell to your knees because you need God? When you have a serious issue in your life, how can folks stay so dignified? Jarius got ugly, he was probably crying that was his baby girl and he wanted her to live I am gone call on the name of Jesus.
What impressed Jesus was that He knew who he was; he laid it all on the line. He had something that he loved dying. Jarius did it publicly. He didn’t care about his status or how people looked or what would be said about him. He cared about his baby girl. Because this man was so serious look at the next verse, Jesus went with him. He left the crowd and all the cowards and went with this man that gave everything he had to plead at His feet. Now here come the folk…
The reason some folks are still plagued with fear, with the mess in their lives or stuff they can’t get out of is because they haven’t given Jesus everything inside of them. He can’t come to their rescue. You have to give Him the real deal.
Look it says and Jesus went with him! It is such a blessing when you call on His name and He answers! What a blessing! You see Him working in your life and things will be going well and then bam! In fact, the devil will tell you things are going so good, you had better watch out.
Now they’re on their way and Jairus is excited and happy because he knows when Jesus he touches his daughter she will be healed. But something happened there was a woman with an issue of blood for 12 years. She had that same kind of faith. She said all I need is a touch…. She knew what He could do. Here this woman says if I can just touch the hem… I know I’ll be healed and she did. She didn’t care. All I need is for this thing to be fixed, cured, and healed! You know the rest of the story. Jarius and Jesus was on their way. He was happy. He was excited. He was walking with Jesus. Yet when this thing happened, he did not open his mouth, did not say anything negative, he waited. I believe he even quoted Isaiah 40:31…He just waited… on Jesus. He knew Jesus was already committed to help him. I can just imagine what Jairus was thinking we are about to run out of time. We think this way too… my babies are out there doing drugs… and we are running out of time. As you grow in faith, you have to learn to appreciate interruptions. They’re not meant to harm you. They are there to help you, to take you to the next level. Because God know that at every level, there is a devil. God is getting you ready for the next level. God had to get Jairus ready to take him through the crucible of interruptions of controlling his mind to where you are bringing every thought into captivity… He remembers Jesus, saying I got this. He takes him to this place. That’s exactly what God is doing right now. He allowed this interruption in the church… Look around in the seats…
God knows something about your life. He knows if we are going to survive what’s coming next we have to go to another level. You see right now we are falling apart from this pandemic. What’s happening now is hate is being created. It’s crossing racial lines. Because people are looking at you like you might have it. All we have to say is, Lord I know I’m faltering right now, please get me ready.
Because it’s coming. It’s in the text go down to vs 33… and she told all the truth. That’s what Jesus wants is for you to tell Him the truth. He already knows. When you confess it, you are ready to deal with it. What did she do? She knew what had happened in her. People know when they are not right with God…. Look, her faith in Jesus made her whole. By faith, her belief and her trust in me did it. Now go in peace…Jarius seen it. He’s still waiting. Now its time for Jesus to help Jarius. He saw Him heal this woman. He got excited again. Sometimes when Jesus gives you a word the devil is right there… there he is trying to steal it away…While Jesus is talking you’re still in the spirit, singing gospel songs and listen here while He was still speaking someone came from Jarius home… They will come from your home… Thy daughter is dead…
The devil is trying to give you the knock out punch. To make you walk away from Jesus. Jesus was trying to take you to this next level. He prepared Jairus to go there he made him wait in the incubator of faith. Everything you wanted for your daughter is over… She’s dead. How many of us are ready for the next level. Jarius needed the next level. He’s bout to hear a word that’s going to knock the wind out of him. Some of you have heard from the Dr… cancer is back, you just tested positive for Covid-19. Your heart has 80% blockage but not strong enough for surgery. If you are not ready for the next level. You will give into the words that you’re hearing. That’s what folks are doing now because they’re not ready. The next level keeps you from panicking. Listen. He got him ready now Jairus has to focus on his faith and belief that he had when he first started this journey. He had to change his focus back. Keep our eyes on Jesus who is our author and finisher… Jesus is about to finish it. We are going to encounter things...
Isaiah 26:3…
Psalm 23:4…
When you are focused on Jesus the other stuff doesn’t matter, it doesn’t shake you.
Vs 36 Jesus heard the word that was spoken and said, “Be not afraid, only believe”. When you were told all these thousands of people are dying. What did you do? Most of us are not at that level. However, those of us who are, Jesus is saying Be not afraid, Only believe, that’s what Jesus says. Now, Pastor is not saying that this can’t kill someone. What I am saying is our trust, the level that Jesus is trying to get us to is important. If we cannot deal with this level. We are in trouble when that other news come to us. He said only believe. See, Jesus told him only believe, it is not final. I have not given my blessing. I know that thing is real. But it’s not final for your life. Why? Because Jesus said it. Jesus said I got an app for that John 11:25… I got that one covered. If fear, has gripped your heart. Jesus said I got an app for that. 1John 4:18… Need a break thru, app found in Ephesians 3:20... Salvation. app for that Roman 10:13… Deliverance, app for that. 2Tim 4:18… The app does not work until it’s downloaded. If someone needs peace, app for that Phil 4:6-7… Heart and your mind. Everything will have peace. He is right there beside you. He was right there next to Jarius. People were standing outside crying… that’s what the bible says. When Jesus got to the house. He told them stay outside. You can’t come in here. He took the momma, daddy and three disciples those He knew believed in Him and they went into the upper room where the girl was laying. Jesus said she’s not dead she’s just asleep. I come to wake her up. He went to the girl, and said Daughter wake up. The bible said she woke up and stood up and walked. God is telling somebody that you are not dead you are just sleep. I’m giving you a wakeup call. This is a wakeup call… Wakeup app. You have get up. Do whatever you need to do for God. So, He can get you ready for the level that you need. God will give you that app. You are alive. Get up! When the devil comes to you with his lies you can tell him, I am not worried, I got Jesus and He is on my side. Can you imagine, what Jairus will trust Jesus for now… Everything! He wants you to trust him. You need to trust him. I know you cannot see him. You just have to believe. Only believe. Who do you believe? Jesus said only believe.
